Day Care Policies and Requirements

1. All dogs must be up to date on all vaccinations, including Rabies, Distemper, Bordetella, & Canine Influenza.

  • We require the Bordetella vaccine to be given every six months. Ask your vet when the vaccine was given (not when it expires). Then, count out 6 months to ensure your dog is up to date. This vaccine is not given automatically, you must ask your vet for it.

  • The Canine Influenza Vaccine is not given automatically by your vet. It is needed annually and is given in two rounds (1 vet visit for the 1st round and 1 visit 2-3 weeks later for the second round).

2. All dogs must be spayed/neutered if over 6 months of age.

3. Dogs must NOT show any signs of aggression and be socially appropriate with other dogs and people.

4. All dogs must be current on flea/tick and heart-worm medication. Please note if you apply topical medicine to your dog, please do so at least 2 days prior to bringing them to daycare to avoid other dogs ingesting the medicine.

5. All dogs must have an understanding of basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, down, come, no, wait, leave it, etc. Dogs must also be comfortable being physically handled, lead by the collar, having their feet touched, and displaying no signs of guarding or controlling behaviors. In addition, due to the close vicinity of residential residences in our immediate proximity, any dog with excessive barking that is uncontrollable, persistent, and can not be corrected will not be allowed to continue to attend daycare.

6. Pet parents must know that at any time during their pet’s attendance should his/her behavior become unsafe to themselves, the staff, or other patrons, pet owners will be contacted and requested to collect their pet immediately.

7. Pet parents must also know that if the behavior of their pet becomes problematic due to the inability to settle, follow the rules, respect corrections given by staff, or pose a danger to other dogs at daycare that Waggy Little Rascals has the right to expel the pet from daycare.

8. Waggy Little Rascals has a no-tolerance bite policy. Any dog will be immediately expelled after any bite or aggression, with no exceptions.

9. All pet owners also agree to pay for any and all damages caused by their pet to the facility or other patrons during any pet’s stay.

10. If your dog ever displays signs of coughing, vomiting, or diarrhea we ask that you keep them out of daycare. If they are dropped off and display signs of any of the above the pet owners will be contacted to immediately pick up their pets. Please keep sick pets home as the health of the pack is a top priority at Waggy Little Rascals!

11. Our hours of operation are between 7 am-6:30 pm. The last drop-off for the day is 2 pm and pick-up is any time before 6:30 pm. We offer a 15-minute grace period, after 6:45 pm we will charge an additional fee of $2/minute if your pet is not picked up.

12. All of our packages have expiration dates. Each pet parent is allowed 1 freeze of 2 weeks for each package term for times when you might be vacationing or experiencing pet illness. Unused visits can not be rolled over or shared!


Monday-Friday 7 am-6:30 pm

Saturday: 8 am-4:30 pm

Sunday: Closed (excluding overnights)